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Old 5 Days Ago
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NFC Jay Cutler, Alex Smith - Who Is Better?!?

God Cutler is terrible.

Glad Alex Smith is my Quarterback and not Jay Cutler.

People talk about Cutler like hes a top 10 quarterback and hes not. Alex Smith is a better quarterback then he is.

you compare Cutlers last 3 years to Alex's they are actually pretty close
Jay Cutler last 3 years
43 games 811 Completions 1363 attempts(59% completion) 9718 yards(226 yards per game) 65 Tds 54 Ints(1.51 Tds per game)(1.25 INT per game)
Alex Smith
38 games 722 completions 1185 attempts(61% completion) 8075 yards(213 yards per game) 51 Tds 27 Int (1.34 Tds per game)(.71 INT per game)
so is 13 yards and .17 more TDs more important then .54 more INT per game?

R.I.P. Bill Walsh 1931 ~ 2007
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Old 5 Days Ago
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Alex Smith didn't have Mike Martz sending him to the wolves though. He was hurt that year. Not to mention Smith has a much better offensive line.
In regards to initiating sex.
Originally Posted by PhilsEagles08 View Post
I usually just start undressing and playing with myself.. that gets the guy in the mood.
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She's hot in the 2nd pic. I'd let her lick me.
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Old 5 Days Ago
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Originally Posted by mj1987us26 View Post
Alex Smith didn't have Mike Martz sending him to the wolves though. He was hurt that year. Not to mention Smith has a much better offensive line.
If you have ever been on the 49ers message board you would know that any quarterback that is any good would be able to look elite no matter how is blocking for them or who his receivers are.....lol

Cutler has always been bad and then he will have 2 really good games and then have a few terrible ones he is so inconsistent. The Bears need to draft some Olinemen for sure but still come on cutler.

R.I.P. Bill Walsh 1931 ~ 2007
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Old 5 Days Ago
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damn. i thought cutler was gonna light the packers up considering alex smith moved the ball fairly well against them.
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Old 5 Days Ago
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I heard the elite mentioned last week bout cutler
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Old 5 Days Ago
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Originally Posted by misfitz View Post
Alex Smith is a better quarterback then he is.
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Old 5 Days Ago
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Cutler is not a good decision maker under duress, being forced to make something happen throwing off his back foot. I'd rather him eat the ball all day.

Cutler haters can belly ache all they want about how bad they think he is but football people who have watched this circus act of an OL for years know where the issues are.

This latest 'version' can't even zone block as a unit...

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Old 5 Days Ago
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Originally Posted by Tarkus View Post
Cutler is not a good decision maker under duress, being forced to make something happen throwing off his back foot. I'd rather him eat the ball all day.

Cutler haters can belly ache all they want about how bad they think he is but football people who have watched this circus act of an OL for years know where the issues are.

This latest 'version' can't even zone block as a unit...
eh, i will grant you the Bears o-line didn't play well last night but there were at least a few of the sacks that were either 'coverage' sacks or Cutler holding onto the ball too long.

In addition, last night is a perfect example of why a lot of people have a problem with Cutler. If things are going well, he leads/plays fine. However, he seems to 'give up' or become anxious too quickly if things aren't going well and doesn't seem capable of leading his team out of the problems or making plays on his own despite some bumps in the road.

Cutler has always and apparently will always only be as good/bad as the team around him. He doesn't actually make the group he's playing with any better.

He's basically Drew Bledsoe reincarnated.
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Old 5 Days Ago
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Originally Posted by Crowned View Post
umm yes he is look at the stats I posted above. so you would trade 13 more yards a game and .2 TDs for an increase of .5 INTs per game? Alex Smith hasn't thrown a INT in his last 185 regular season attempts and he had 68 playoff attempts without an INT. Thats 253 attempts since his last INT Cutler had 4 INT in 27 attempts last night.

Alex is better then Jay. Oh and he doesn't curse out his teammates within earshot distance of the media.

R.I.P. Bill Walsh 1931 ~ 2007
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Old 5 Days Ago
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Originally Posted by CaptainStubing View Post
eh, i will grant you the Bears o-line didn't play well last night but there were at least a few of the sacks that were either 'coverage' sacks or Cutler holding onto the ball too long.
Grant me?

Tell me the last time they played well. Even in the Colt game, the majority of plays was Cutler buying time, not from protection.

Bear fans knew against a better D they'd be exposed easily. Check the stats for the last few years on where the 'vaunted' Bear OL ranks.

In addition, last night is a perfect example of why a lot of people have a problem with Cutler. If things are going well, he leads/plays fine. However, he seems to 'give up' or become anxious too quickly if things aren't going well and doesn't seem capable of leading his team out of the problems or making plays on his own despite some bumps in the road.
Cookie cutter response, I'm afraid, Cap'n.

Cutler has his fair share of warts, the biggest being that he's prone to trying to make things happen that aren't there. or... A good example is one of the picks where Bennett stood still waiting on the ball instead of coming back for it, a bane of Bear WRs for years & years.

This Bear team is wrought with issues regardless of a little Emery pixie dust. Also throw in that people laughed at Martz but somehow forgot that Mike Tice as an OC is not an upgrade whatsoever. Another of our crosses to bear in Chicago.

Cutler has always and apparently will always only be as good/bad as the team around him. He doesn't actually make the group he's playing with any better.

He's basically Drew Bledsoe reincarnated.
That 'only be as good as' comment goes for any QB in this league, some more than others but still goes. Throw Brady on the Bears & remember to forward the condolences card to Giselle, throw Manning behind this OL & schedule OR9 for immediate surgery, throw RGIII out there & he'll die of a burst heart from being run to death, throw Vick on this train wreck & watch Peta throw a 'Justice Has Finally Been Served' parade, etc., etc., etc...

This Bear team has holes across the board in varying degrees but to hear the same tired Cutler one liners while making excuses for that excuse of an OL is ridiculous. I nail him to the cross for the really stupid things he does but can't deny the guys the Bears have put in front of him for years now aren't even remotely close to decent protection - pass or run.

Rally 'round tha family...with a pocket full of shells
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